
Turkey for Thanksgiving

Christmas Recipes

This Week we have decided to cook a stuffed Turkey to celebrate Thanksgiving with you all ☺ We have really enjoyed it. It is the first time that we eat stuffed Turkey at home, cooked by us, and the truth is that the result has been very good. After seeing several recipes on internet and in books, my mother decided to use her own filling with ingredients that we really like and here's the result. We will cook it again for Christmas since we have loved it ☺ As Thanksgiving Day is coming, let us thank you all for being with us every week, reading and cooking our recipes, the Coastline team for giving us the chance to share our recipes with you, and special thanks to our friend Natasha who every week revises our texts with love  We really appreciate her help  Time to share our recipe with you all, wishing a great time:


  • 1 Turkey (4 kilos)
  • 1 splash of Brandy of Jerez
  • 1 branch of thyme
  • Salt and pepper
  • 125 ml or 4.23 oz of water.
  • 125 ml. or 4.23 oz of dry sherry wine Manzanilla”
  • 125 ml. or 4.23 oz of sweet sherry wine “Pedro Ximénez”
  • 1 onion
  • 1 tomato
  • 1 carrot
  • 1 clove of garlic
  • a few plums
  • 2 bay leaves
  • some roasted apples
  • For the filling:
  • 250 grs. minced meat: half pork, half beef
  • 100 grs. chopped bacon
  • 100 grs. chopped Serrano ham
  • 1 spring onion
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • 1 piece of bread crumb wet in milk
  • 1 handful of prunes (no seeds)
  • 1 handful of raisins
  • 1 handful of dates
  • 2 eggs
  • salt and ground black pepper
  • 1 potato


⦿ First of all let's preheat the oven to 180 º C (356 F)

⦿ We are going to start preparing the Turkey, and we are going to add salt and pepper, smear the outside with a small amount of olive oil and inside with a splash of brandy and introduce a branch of thyme. We will let it marinate while we prepare the filling.

⦿ In a bowl, we are going to mix all the ingredients thoroughly minced and stir well so that all emulsifies.

⦿   We remove the branch of thyme from the inside of the Turkey and will introduce all the stuffing. And finally we will introduce a peeled potato so that our filling will not come out.  It is now time to sew the bottom and the legs of the Turkey.

⦿ We spread some olive oil the baking tray and place the stuffed Turkey on it. Around we will place the chopped vegetables: onion, tomato, garlic, carrot, as well as plums, bay leaf, water, and the wines.

⦿ We introduce it in the oven for about two hours at 180°.

(⦿ Here comes a cooking advice, my mother injects the Turkey juices produced during cooking to make it more juicy :-).

⦿ Once the cooking time is over, we remove the Turkey from the oven and prepare the sauce by grinding all the ingredients from the baking tray.

⦿ And to accompany this rich Turkey, we have prepared some potatoes that we have first boiled for a few minutes and then we have fried with garlic and parsley. And besides we will add some roasted apples.

⦿ The result very rich as you can see in the photo.

Once again, Happy Thanksgiving with your family and friends and have a great week ☺